We caved and booked ourselves into an air-conditioned room.
3 night of camping in 44 degrees heat was enough. I was getting heat rash and Matt was, he claims, seeing little green men in the dashboard. He even forgot to close all the doors on Foxy before climbing into the tent, leaving them wide open for any potential thieves. Luckily Sudan is full of trustworthy and honest people.
Instead of spending the usual $5-$10 US per night to camp, we're blowing our budget in one full stroke.
Last night we stayed at the World Food Programme/UN guesthouse. A UN staff worker directed us there by chance. This morning the manager told us there was a misunderstanding and only UN staff members were allowed to stay there. So here we are at the lovely locally-run Lisamin Safari Hotel.
With no chance of changing traveler's cheques in Sudan and nowhere to use our credit cards, we found one bank (a Lebanese one) in the whole of Khartoum who could do a cash advance on our HSBC VISA. Our backup plan was to get money wired from Western Union from back home. It reminds me of the desperate time while I was living in Ghana when I called home collect because i had run out of money and got my parents to Western Union some over. Luckily we didn't need to resort to that. I've grown up ;)
Anyway, we will spend two more nights in our lovely little cool room and depart for Sudan's northern deserts and pyramids on Thursday morning.
Start: Lisamin Safari Hotel, Khartoum, SUDAN.
End: Lisamin Safari Hotel, Khartoum, SUDAN.
Distance Traveled: 0
Road Conditions: -
Temperature: hot outside, but nice and COOL in here